Sunshine Blogger Award 5

I’ve been been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award again! I’m so happy! Words can’t fully express how grateful I am! A huge Thankyou to Kristian Weignan and Catherine Mellen for the nominations! These two fellow bloggers are beautiful, amazing women! I’m so proud to call them friends, and I am so happy I met them! Interacting with them is one of the reasons I’m happy I started blogging! They have been amazingly supportive and I appreciate them so much! Thankyou you beautiful souls! To visit Catherine’s blog “Shatter the Silince/A life given to me” click here. To visit Kristian’s blog “Life Lessons from Around the Dinner Table” click here.

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.
  • Ask the nominees 11 new questions.

Questions from Kristian Weismann 

  1. What is an ideal weekend for you?

An ideal weekend for me would be a nice relaxing one with my family! We would be home watching some movies and just enjoying each other’s company!

  1. What is one of your favorite books or movies, and why did it speak to you so much?

One of my favorite movies is How to Train Your Dragon. There is so much I love about that movie! For one, it’s one movie my family has enjoyed watching multiple times together! Second, it’s so funny, and the funny scenes still haven’t gotten old for me! The third, and biggest, reason I love the movie is the themes covered in it. I love the way friendship is explored in the movie and the “Forbidden Friendship” scene is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time! That scene shows an example of the way we should treat each other in real life. We should be trying to make an effort to understand others who are different from us. I also love the focus on physical appearance and disability. Small people can make big changes, and people with disabilities don’t have to put limitations on themselves. Overall, How to Train Your Dragon is a beautiful movie I will always love.

  1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done and would you do it again?

When I first started making social media accounts I was pretty reckless. I wasn’t very careful with who I interacted with and the information I gave out. Now I’m much more careful.  

  1. What do you think about when you are by yourself?

My mind is like the energizer bunny! I always have so much I’m thinking about! I think about my spirituality and my faith (I’m a Christian). I think about my future and my aspirations. I think about my flaws. I think about my mistakes and my regrets. I enjoy spending time with my own thoughts, need time for that even. Sometimes I’m so wrapped in my thoughts that I daydream or zone out when I’m talking with someone (a bad habit I’m trying to break). Although, there are some times when negative thoughts are too overwhelming and I have a hard time shaking them off. Whenever that happens, it’s nice to have a distraction. 

  1. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

Well, when I was small I believed in Santa Claus, and wondered how he got into homes that didn’t a have a chimney. My parents told me he uses the windows! 

  1. What do you consider to be the 5 most beautiful things in life?
  • Nature (flowers, snow, the sunset, the sunrise, the aurora borealis, etc)
  • The company of loved ones
  • A compassionate heart 
  • A creative spirit
  • Peaceful moments
  1. Which animal scares you the most?

Roaches, more specifically the large water bug ones!

  1. What song speaks to you the most?

Hard! There are a number of songs that really move me and speak to me! One is Hey Brother by Avicii. I think the world would be a better place if we all looked at each other as brothers and sisters.

  1. If you could go back in time, what historical event would you like to witness?

Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go back in time to witness any historical event. I’m pretty happy in the time period I’m in! If I really had to choose though, I would pick to go to the times when Jesus was performing miracles. 

  1. What is your favorite food?

Fruits, chocolate, and fritters! 

  1. If you could ask any person in the world, alive or dead for advice, who would it be, and what would you ask?

I would probably choose to ask for advice from Lori Deschene, founder of the Tiny Buddha blog. I would ask her how she was able to make her blog so successful. 

Questions from Catherine Mellen

1) What is your main goal being a Blogger?

To share my experiences! I think we all have a story to tell that would motivate or inspire others!

2) Do you read other Bloggers Blogpost

Definitely! I enjoy visiting other blogs! I can’t visit other blogs as much as I would like, but I try to whenever I get the opportunity!

3) Do you feel supported by other Bloggers?

I do! I feel very supported, and it’s such a good feeling! I appreciate my fellow bloggers who have visited my blog, and have given me blogger award nominations and shoutouts! Words can’t fully express how much you are all appreciated! I love you guys!

4) Does your family support your Blog?

They do! They don’t read, like, or comment on my posts; or follow my social media accounts though (one of my siblings is helping me run my Instagram account though)! Their support is a lot more on the emotional side! They listen to me talk about my blog and give advice! They help me with ideas for my blog posts, and give advice on how to run my social media accounts!

5)What country do you live in?

The United States of America!

6) Do you prefer coffee or tea?

I’m very much a tea person! I don’t really drink coffee, but if I’m offered chocolate flavored coffee I wouldn’t decline!  I have an interesting story about my first time drinking chocolate flavored coffee actually! I’ve told that story to my family so many times they’ve started to get tired of it! 

7) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving for sure! I actually wrote a post about it! Click here to check it out if you haven’t already!

8) Do you promote your Blog?

Yes, but I don’t think I do a very good job at it! To be really honest, I feel like I’m bugging people when I try to promote my blog, and it’s a lot of work! It’s not one of my favorite parts of blogging at all! 

9) Do you agree this is too many questions?

😂😂😂 I’ll be nice and say I enjoy self discovery! 😂

10) Would you give Peace a chance?

I think peace is something we need a lot more of in the world right now. 😔 

11) Are you Grateful for all you have? 

I am! Although I can’t help but think I take what I have for granted sometimes.

My Nominees

I would like invite anyone interested in responding to this post to do a Sunshine Blogger post of their own!  

My Questions 

  1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food? 
  4. Do you have a secret talent?
  5. Which season (spring, winter, summer, fall) is your favorite?
  6. What song would be your theme or anthem?
  7. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
  8. Do you have a favorite book? 
  9. Do you have a favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a tv show you’re binging on right now?
  11. Is the one thing you love most about blogging?

The Liebster Award 3

The Liebster Award 3

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award again! This time by fellow blogger Latisha Porter! She is so sweet and so supportive of fellow bloggers! She’s always giving other bloggers a little boost on twitter through shoutouts. She is so positive, and it really shines through her blog. If you are going through a lot at the moment and you need a spiritual and mental boost, head over to Latisha’s blog! There you will find blog posts that will help you with your mental health, self esteem, and spiritual growth through emphasis on the importance of journaling. Click here to visit Latisha’s blog! A big Thank-you Latisha for this nomination! What an honor!


• Give a shout out to the blogger that nominated you for this Liebster Award. Make sure you link their blogging site as well.

• Write 11 facts about yourself.

• Don’t forget to post the award on your blog.

• Answer the fun questions setup by the blogger who nominated you.

  • Nominate 11 deserving bloggers. Don’t forget to tag them.

Questions from Latisha

  • What do you enjoy writing or blogging about?

I love blogging about my experiences. I share them on my blog to inspire others, and maybe even help others learn something new. I mentioned in one of my previous award posts that I keep a diary. My inspiration was Jewish diarist Anne Frank. Anne Frank mostly wrote about what was going on around her, what she observed. Reading her diary is like reading a story. I tried to copy her style, but quickly realized that that style of writing doesn’t fully suite me, at least not for journal writing. I’m more of an expressive writer. I write in my journal about how I’m personally feeling at the moment, not really about what I’m observing. 

  • What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?

I am willing to give any book a try! The genre I generally read though is realistic fiction. 

  • Where do you like to write?

To write my blog posts, I mostly use my phone, and I write anywhere I’m comfortable! I’m usually nice and comfortable in my bed whenever I’m writing in my journal.

  • Do you visit your local library often?

I practically lived in the local library in my neighborhood when I was a child! During the time, everyone was still reading books the traditional way. I don’t make much trips to the library anymore. A lot of the books I read these days are bought, and often in electronic format. 

  • What do you use to stay organized?

The calendar app in my phone!

  • Do you have any pets?

My family has had pet fishes before. We had a pretty red one we grew attached to, and we were sad when he died. 

  • What is your favorite color?

I have two favorite colors: pink and blue! 

  • Do you enjoy traveling?

I don’t really travel often. I would still say no though, because I get motion sickness sometimes. 

  • Where do you prefer to exercise?

I honestly don’t exercise much. Whenever I do though, I prefer to exercise at home or in a park. I’m not really a fan of going to a gym. 

  • Have you written a book?

I’m working on that actually! 

  • What are your writing goals?

I don’t just enjoy writing blog posts. I like writing poems too! I’ve also been working on writing stories! I’m hoping to one day publish a collection of poems and short stories, maybe even a novel as well!

My Nominees

Any fellow bloggers interested in responding to this post! 

My Questions for my Nominees

  1. What your favorite color?
  2. What’s your favorite snack to eat?
  3. Do you like salty treats or do you have more of a sweet tooth?
  4. What’s your favorite music genre?
  5. Do you like taking risks or do you prefer playing it safe?
  6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  7. How do get inspiration for blog posts?
  8. How would improve your blog moving forward?
  9. How did you choose your blog niche?
  10. What’s your favorite tv show?
  11. Can you play an instrument?

The Real Neat Blogger Award

Hello everyone! I’ve been nominated! This time it’s for the Real Neat blog award, and this is my first time being nominated for this particular blog award! I’m beyond happy! A huge thank-you to Elissa Renee for this award! Elissa is so awesome! She’s fun to interact with and is so supportive of other bloggers! She’s always sharing blog posts by other bloggers on social media, especially through twitter! She also promotes other bloggers on her blog by writing posts about some of her blogging buddies. I love you Elissa! Thankyou again for this! Definitely go and check out this awesome bloggers blog Welcome to my thoughts!


Display the award logo.

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.

– Answer the questions from the blogger who nominated you.

– Nominate seven to ten bloggers.

  • Ask them seven questions]

Questions from Elissa

1.) What makes your blog different or stand out from other blogs?

My blog is an inspirational blog, and my focus is on inspiring and motivating others through sharing my experiences. There are many other blogs that are similar, however, our experiences are all different. Everyone has a different story to share. I think my personal and unique experiences that I share make my blog different. 

2.) which platform do you prefer using to share your blog posts and why?

Which social media site do I prefer sharing my posts on? I’m not sure I have a favorite, because I’m still figuring out which platform works best for me. My blog is connected to my Twitter, Facebook, and bloglovin accounts, and I just recently created a Tumblr account and connected it to my blog as well. This makes sharing my blog posts on those accounts easy. I also have a Pinterest and Instagram account. I have a lot social media accounts for my blog, I know! I get a bit of traffic through all of these accounts, but I think the account that drives the most traffic to my blog might be twitter. 

3.) Besides blogging, what other hobbies do you have?

I like reading and spending time with my family. We love watching movies together. I also like to sing a little. Plus, besides writing for my blog, I also like to write poetry, and I’m trying to delve into a little story writing too.

4.) Any hobbies you’d like to try?

I would love to learn how to play the guitar. I know how to play the piano a little, but it’s been a little while since I’ve practiced, so I would also like to make time to go back to piano playing.

5.) If you could have lunch with any celebrity who would it be and why?

Oh man! This is a tricky one, because there are a number of celebrities I would love to have this opportunity with! For this question though, I will pick Chris Martin from the band Cold Play! I just love him! 

6.) what or who motivates you to blog?

The love and support I receive from the blogging community gives me motivation. I feel so encouraged whenever I receive positive feedback like this blog award, a nice comment on a post, or like on the post. It makes me want to keep pushing myself to keep my blog running, and I’m beyond grateful for the support. Words cannot fully say I appreciative I am. 

7.) what are 5 things you are most proud of that happened to you in 2019?  

  1. I’m proud that I started blogging. I was thinking about creating a blog for a long time before I finally did, so I’m happy I started one. 
  2. I’m proud of the award nominations I’ve received, considering I started blogging just this year. I’m so grateful for all the support and positive feedback. 
  3. I’m proud of my collaborations with fellow bloggers Nadine from Home of Understanding and Faiza from the iExpress blog. Both of these bloggers also have amazing blogs that you should visit! Nadine blogs about social issues that are important to her, but her main focus is mental health. We wrote an amazing mental health piece together. The first part is on my blog, and you can read it here. Click here to read the second part, which can be found on Nadine’s blog. Faiza’s blog is versatile. She covers a range of topics from tips about parenting to tips about beauty and fashion, along with discussions about social issues. I wrote a guest post for her blog, which can be found under the social issues category, about embracing my natural hair. You can read that post here
  4. I’m proud of my collaboration with a book publishing company called Odyssey Books. When the company reached out to me it was a shock and such a huge honor! I am so grateful for the opportunity, especially since I just started blogging this year! You can read my post and learn more about Odyssey books here.
  5. I was nervous about telling my family about my blog, because I didn’t know what their opinions might be. When I told them about my blog they were so supportive. I am proud of myself for opening up about my blog to them and having faith in them. 

My Nominees

My Favorite part of doing these awards posts is visiting different blogs and sharing the love, as well as getting to know the bloggers behind them! Here are my nominees for this award! Give these beautiful bloggers some love!

Sarah – Mommin’ in the Real World 

Emily – New York Family Adventures 

Monsieur Cliffe – The Soul Journal  

Katie – Watt the Blog 

Michelle – What Sets your Heart Free 

Jackie – Face Depression 

Erin – Erin Baby Steps 

Adi – Adi’s Wings 

Vivian Chemtai – Vivian Chemtai  

Ashmita Moidu – Sanguine Mademois Elle  

Brianna – Simply Brianna   

hiMe  – A Regugee’s Journey – Vietnam to Australia  

My Questions for my Nominees

  1. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 
  2. It’s in the middle of the night and you’re having trouble falling back to sleep. What would you do? 
  3. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between?
  4. Do you have any foods you like that most other people think taste bad or weird?
  5. What is your favorite activity outside of blogging? 
  6. What activities help you to relax whenever you feel stressed? 
  7. Do you have a favorite movie?

Blogger Recognition Award: Learning from my Experiences

The Blogger Recognition Award

I’ve been nominated three more times for the Blogger Recognition Award! The three bloggers who nominated me are Jess Ling from Jerserry, Catherine Mellen from Shatter the Silence/A Life Given to Me, and Elissa Renee from Welcome to my Thoughts! Thankyou so much for the nomination ladies! All three of these beautiful bloggers are brave women! Jess is adventurous and loves exploring! She uses her blog to share her experiences! “Life is too short, so enjoy while you can” seems be her blog’s theme! Catherine has a very rough childhood, and was pressured into remaining silent about it. Catherine decided to use her blog to share her story and remain silent no more. Through her blog, she lends some of her courage to her readers, welcoming them to use their voices as well. Elissa is not afraid to embrace who she is and speak her mind! Honesty is definitely her charm! Checkout these wonderful blogs, and get to know the beautiful ladies behind them!

About the Blogger Recognition Award:

The Blogger Recognition Award is an online award given by bloggers to other bloggers. It is a way to recognize the work of other bloggers, and award them for the work they put into putting out blog posts. It is definitely hard work, so I’m very honored to be receiving this award! 


  1. Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award. Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post.
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started. 
  3. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  4. Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

Learning from my Experiences

I love to learn! That’s part of the reason I love reading, which I’ve mentioned before is one of my favorite hobbies! I’ve actually always enjoyed school for that very reason. I never enjoyed the stress and anxiety that comes along with tests and projects, but I’ve always enjoyed learning something new! Formal education isn’t the only way we learn of course. We also learn through our life experiences, and we never stop learning through this form of education. 

Recently, my family got an opportunity to spend a little time together, and we decided to have an art night. More specifically, we decided to paint. I’m not very good at art, so I decided to sit this activity out. My family kept trying to encourage me to join in, especially my mother. She told me that it didn’t really matter that I wasn’t good at art. Just have some fun. Eventually, I finally gave in and decided to paint too, and there were already at set of art supplies waiting for me. 

I actually had a lot of fun painting. I didn’t take away any new painting techniques from the experience. My painting came out as awful as I thought it would (my mom still decided to hang that monstrosity on the wall despite my objections)! What I did take away from that experience is a reminder that sometimes it’s not the activity we’re doing with loved ones that matters, it’s the time we’re spending with them to do the activity that does. 

Every day brings new challenges, new experiences, and new opportunities to learn new lessons. I started my blog to share experiences like the one above. Even after formal education is over, you continue to learn through life lessons, and sometimes these lessons are the most valuable ones. Those are the lessons you keep with you throughout your life. To these who have been following my journey so far, thankyou! I appreciate you so much, and as I continue to learn and share my experiences, I hope you will continue to learn with me. Let’s keep growing together.

My two pieces of advice:

  1. Just enjoy the ride! Blog because you enjoy it! Enjoy sharing with your readers! Enjoy the connections and the friendships you make! 
  2. It’s ok if your blogging journey isn’t perfect in the beginning. Give yourself time to get organized and learn what you need to know to improve your blog!

My nominees

HolleyChasing Destino 

ZenibiaMy Entangled Words 

Mary Anne – Nanny Mary Anne  

FAWZY MASAOUD – Psychotherapist, Counselor, and Comedy Writer 

Thomas Odhiambo Kitinya – Movie Warden 

Keyshaun Jamel Collins – Fisher of Men 

Stephanie – A Red Hair Girl 

EmmaDyspraxic Domesticated Mummy 

Kay J – Unveiling The Mind 

LaFreida Smith – MMM of Family Entertainment 

Devinder Mann – Fabulous Fifty Five  

Syed Sazzadul Bari – BlogCD 

Sunshine Blogger Award: Take 4

Welcome to my next Sunshine Blogger Award post! The two lovely bloggers I am dedicating this post to Elisa Renee from Welcome to my Thoughts and KayJ from Unveiling the Mind! Thankyou so much for the nomination and your support ladies! Elissa loves using her blog to share her thoughts and support others! Elissa doesn’t just write on her blog though! She also shares her beautiful artwork! Her blog fun to visit she check it out if haven’t already! KayJ is a mental health blogger. Through her blog she uses her expertise in the field of psychology, as well her own experiences with mental health issues, to give tips on how others can manage their mental health. Her blog has wonderful information, so definitely check it out too!

About the Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to their peers to honor fellow bloggers who inspire and spread positivity through their blogs. 

Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging site.
  2. List the Sunshine Blogger Award rules and display the logo on your site
  3. Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees about their nominations 

Questions from Elissa Renee:

1.) if someone is new to blogging, what advice would you give them?

Patience is a good virtue! Building a successful blog takes time! I’m still taking my own advice though, because I’m still new to blogging myself!

2.) have you ever felt like giving up writing and/or deleting your blog?

Nope! Never, but perhaps that’s because I’m still a bit new! 

3.) who inspires you to continue blogging?

Oh wow! There are so many! I’ve met so many wonderful blogging buddies who have been so encouraging! Their support is what has been motivating me to keep going! The blogger who nominated me for this award, Elissa Renee, is one of them!

4.) what is your favourite way to receive traffic?

I’m grateful for however I recieve traffic! Although I think the platform that drives the most traffic to my blog would probably be twitter. I’m still learning how to use my stats to improve my blog traffic!

5.) who are your go to accounts to help you boost your traffic/likes?

When I publish a new blogpost I don’t generally ask anyone for help with boosting traffic, but I do hope that some person pls will see my new post and help out! There are those who do, and I really appreciate their love and support! 

6.) do you prefer cereal with or without milk?

I generally eat my cereal with milk! 

7.) which cereal do you enjoy eating?

I love cornflakes! 

8.) what do you usually wear when you’re blogging? (example im in shorts and a hoodie)

Lol. I can spend hours blogging, so I need to be in something nice and comfortable!

9.) where do you blog for most of your blog posts? (example i use the computer for my posts)

My phone!

10.) do your hands ever twitch when you’re using the keyboard or mouse too much?

Interesting! No, that has never happened to me!

11.) when you’re thinking about questions to ask, do you randomly find stuff that you havent noticed before? (example i found a new freckle on my hand, it’s so cute and small, im going to name him freck.)

😂 That sometimes happens when I’m answering questions! 

Questions from Unveiling the Mind

  • What is your favorite childhood memory?

Hard! I have many! Let’s see though…if I had to pick one, I would say when I was part of a bridal party. The wedding was so beautiful, and I really enjoyed getting dolled up!

  • If you could learn a new skill tomorrow, what would it be?

Oh wow! This questions on does not have a easy answer either! If I had to choose though, I would say to speak a second language fluently! Right now I’m trying to learn Spanish!

  • What country would you love to visit and why?

 Costa Rica! I can practice my Spanish there while exploring beautiful sceneries and beaches!

  • What is your favorite movie and why?

How to Train your Dragon! It was such a touching movie with a great dose of humor in it! 

  • Who is the most inspiring person in your life?

My Dad!🥰

  • If you had to eat a certain type of food at least once a day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hard! Oh wow! It would have to be planned based foods! Food that would keep me healthy!

  • What was your first job?

Being a college student! It’s a job for sure! Lol.

  • Who is your favorite character from a book or book series?

Remus Lupin from my the Harry Potter series! 

  • What goal would you like to work harder at to achieve?

Eventually monetizing my blog!

  • How do you cope when you feel stressed?

Anxiety is a actually a huge problem for me. What usually do is just drop whatever is causing the stress, even if it just for a minute. If I have time, I would turn to an activity that would help me relax. If I can take a break for a literal minute or so, I would close my eyes meditate a little while slowly breathing in and out.

  • What is one piece of advice you would give to aspiring bloggers?

Patience is a virtue. There is a lot that goes in to blogging. Give yourself time to learn. 


Here are 11 wonderful bloggers who I am passing the torch to! Give them some love guys!

Grace – Life Transformation Coach

Marisol – The Productive Moms

Kemzy – KemzyKemzy

Laura – Do Five Things a Day

Chris – Growing Dots

Ashlee Nicole – Ashlee Nicole Explained

Bold Brunette – 

Sisira – Officially Sparkle

Heidi – Rise Love Live

Claire and Phil White – The Wondering Whites

Latisha – Renew Inspiration

My Questions 

  1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food? 
  4. Do you have a secret talent?
  5. Which season (spring, winter, summer, fall) is your favorite?
  6. What song would be your theme or anthem?
  7. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
  8. Do you have a favorite book? 
  9. Do you have a favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a tv show you’re binging on right now?
  11. Is the one thing you love most about blogging?

Sunshine Blogger Award: Take 3

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award four more times! I’m so honored! This award is given to blogs that are inspiring and spread positivity, which were the goals I set for my blog when I created it! It gives me joy to write posts that help to uplift others. I am grateful for those who have been joining me on my journey, and I’m so happy that blog seems to be accomplishing the goals I set too it! This post is dedicated to two of the bloggers whom nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Another post will be published for the other two bloggers who also nominated me! This way I can keep this post at a decent length! The two bloggers I am dedicating this post to are My World My Rules from The World of an Autistic, Dyslexic, with Depression and Spinal Problems, and Melissa Temple from Disabled Disney! Thankyou so much for the nomination ladies! What these two amazing bloggers have in common is that they are both disability advocates. My World My Rules shares what it’s like to be person with a disability in the U.K. , where she lives. She focuses on encouraging other people with disabilities to never feel ashamed. “Never feel ashamed of your disabilities, and never think less of yourself because of them”, is her motto. Melissa’s blog combines her love for travel and all things Disney with sharing her experiences as a person with a disability. Melissa has a number of complications, and often has to travel around in a wheelchair, but that hasn’t stopped her from doing what she loves! Melissa shares tips on traveling with a disability and most importantly shows readers that living with a disability doesn’t mean you can’t live a fulfilling life! 

About the Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to their peers to honor fellow bloggers who inspire and spread positivity through their blogs. 

Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging site.
  2. List the Sunshine Blogger Award rules and display the logo on your site
  3. Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees about their nominations 

Questions from MYWORLDMYRULES979445958:

  1. What got you into blogging in the first place?

I started a blog just this year, but I’ve was thinking about starting one for a long time! I’m glad I finally got one up and running! I started to spread a little positivity and inspiration, and the feedback I’ve been getting makes me feel like I’m accomplishing the goals it set for it. 

  1. What is your favourite Book?

The Bible and the Harry Potter Series!

  1. What is you Favourite Song?

Oh this is hard! I have many songs I love! One of them is Hey Brother by Avicii. 

  1. What helps keep you calm?

Curling up with a nice book, or doing an activity that distracts me. 

  1. Where would your dream place to live be?

I love where I live right now (the U.S.), but if I had to choose another country it would be Canada!

  1. What is your favourite flavor of icecream?

Chocolate! I love all things chocolate!

  1. If you had a superpower what would it be?

I would probably pick the ability to shape-shift  like Mystique from X Men! It would be awesome to change my hair color without dying it! 

  1. If you could do anything what would it be?

I would be a full time blogger! 

  1. Who would you most like to meet living or dead and why?

There are many people I would like to meet! One would Michelle Obama! 

  1. If you won £1000000 what would you spend it on?

Wow! A lot of money! I’m not exactly sure, but I wouldn’t spend all of it at once, I know that much! 

  1. If you could be on any TV show what would it be?

Stranger Things! That’s not exactly a T.V. show though is it? 😂

Questions from Disabled Disney:

  1. If you could have 1 Superpower what would it be and why?

Shapeshifting! I would like to be like Mystique from the X Men! It would be pretty awesome to change my hair color without having to dye it! 

2. How do you spend a lazy Sunday morning?

I often spend it reading while lounging around while reading, with my family, or binging a show.

3. If you had to choose between a visual disability, mobility disability or intellectual disability which would you choose and why?

I actually have a disability already, but it’s not one those options. I have a learning disability. 

4. What is your favorite genre of movie and books and why?

My favorite movie genre would probably be comedy. I’m always in the mood for a good laugh! My favorite book genre would probably be realistic fiction. Those have always been the types of books have always been the most interesting me. 

5. Who is your favorite Disney Princess and why?

This is pretty hard! I love Belle, because I relate to her love for reading and learning! I also love Moana! Her movie is probably my favorite Disney Princess movie! It was so fun to watch! I’ve watched multiple times! More importantly though, I like that her story focused on her finding herself and her purpose, which I can relate to. 

6. Are you a planner or procrastinator?

I’m definitely a planner! 

7. What goal do you want to accomplish before the end of 2019?

I would like to have done more collaborations and posted more guest posts on my blog by the end of the year. 

8. What is your favorite vacation destination and why?

I don’t really do much traveling.

9. How much do you hate SEO?

😂 On a scale from 1 to 10? Zero! 

10. Coffee or tea and how do you take it?

Tea! Sometimes I have my tea with milk and two spoons of sugar. 

11. If you could only have 1 food the rest of your life what is it and why?

Wow! Hard! I’m not sure! It would have to be something that would still give most of nutrients I need though! I would pick something that would do that for me! 

My Nominees

Below are my wonderful nominees! Please show them some love! 

  1. 1. Beaton –  Becoming The Muse
  1. 2. Melissa –  Gratitude Grace Glamour
  1. 3. Rey and Lyn – Happy Food Trippers
  1. 3. Catherine – Written by C.A.
  1. 4. Flo Michelle – The Golden Pineapple
  1. 5. Brandi Robbins – Glow Through It
  1. 6. Eunice Tossy – A Bible Girl
  1. 7. Michelle Wareen – The Rabbit Lair
  1. 8. NoloyisoThe Chronicles of a Nubian Queen
  1. 10. Wamboe – House of Wamboe
  1. 11. Jo A Rose Tinted World 

My Questions 

  1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food? 
  4. Do you have a secret talent?
  5. Which season (spring, winter, summer, fall) is your favorite?
  6. What song would be your theme or anthem?
  7. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
  8. Do you have a favorite book? 
  9. Do you have a favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a tv show you’re binging on right now?
  11. Is the one thing you love most about blogging?

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was nominated!! I’m so grateful!! This award is about celebrating blogs with unique and creative content. To know that there are those who believe my blog fits this description is such an honor! The two bloggers who nominated me for this award are Spence from The Mindberg and KayJ from Unveiling the Mind! Thankyou both so much for the nomination! It means so much to me! Both of these amazing bloggers are wonderful mental health advocates with lots of experience in the field of psychology! They use their expertise to share insight into how the mind works, and tips for dealing with mental health issues! They also share some of their own personal experiences with mental health. Definitely check them out! 

About the Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award is an award by bloggers for fellow bloggers to recognize blogs with unique content. Read more about the Versatile Blogger Award here.

Rules of the Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Write a post about your nomination and display the logo on your site. Thank the person who nominated you in your post, and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write seven facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.

Seven Facts About Me

  1. I can’t dance…at all! 😂
  2. My favorite colors are pink and blue!
  3. I’m an extreme night a owl! 
  4. I’ve never been on any roller coasters. I’m too afraid to try them!
  5. I’m terrible at video games, but I enjoy talking about them and watching others play! 
  6. My parents told me I tried to read a newspaper upside down when I was toddler! I was destined to become a blogger! 😂
  7. I can not tolerate spicy food! At all! 

My Nominees

And my nominees for this award are below! Give these wonderful bloggers some love guys!

Jess Ling – Jerserry 

Nicola – A Rambling Collective 

Hamed M. Dehongi – Hamed M. Dehongi 

Shanzay – Shanzay’s World  

Faiza Zafar – The iExpress Blog 

Ash – Five Bucks Til Friday 

Elissa – Welcome to my Thoughts 

Freya – Freya’s DIY Corner 

Richard M. Adrian – Kenyan Rhetoric 

Gina – Culture Bean  

Katie – I Go by Katie

E. Vail – Evail Writes 

Steve Biggs – Biggsy Travels 

Catherine Mellen – Shatter the Silence/A Life Given to Me 

Amanda Gene – Amanda Gene

The Liebster Award 2

I feel so blessed! I have been awarded a second Liebster Award nomination! This one comes from Shanzay over at Shanzay’s World! Thankyou so much Shanzay! She has an adorable and fun blog that focuses on a variety of topics such as DIY, arts and crafts, current trends, and her personal experiences. Definitely check her blog out! 

About the Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is an online award given by bloggers to other bloggers to recognize new upcoming blogs. 

Rules of the Liebster Award

  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog. 
  • Post the award on your blog. 
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions. 

11 facts about me

  1. I enjoy singing.
  2. I’m a horrible cook!
  3. I don’t really do much traveling.
  4. I’m horrible at doing makeup!
  5. I can play a little piano. 
  6. I’m from the U.S. 
  7. I can speak a little Spanish, and I would like to become fluent. 
  8. I wish I could play the guitar. 
  9. I love to read!
  10. I’m right handed
  11. I would like to visit Costa Rica one day

Questions from Shanzay

  • Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life? 

Tough question! Most characters I can think of would be fun to meet! I can’t think of any! 

  • What is the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made? 

Hmmm. The best purchase would probably be some new clothes to wear in my house recently. They’re so comfortable! The worst purchase would probably be a set of jewelry I bought some time ago. I don’t really wear jewelry very often, but when I saw that set I just really wanted them! Still haven’t worn them yet though! 

  • If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name? 

If I had to change my name, I would probably change it to Evangeline. It’s such a beautiful name, and I love what means (good news). 

  • What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults? 

Hmmm. “She’s tough like a man” maybe?

  • What’s the most useless talent you have? 

Another hard question! I can’t think of one! I think all talents are useful though!

  • What is the longest word you know? 

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 😂

  • What is the best praise or advice you’ve received? 

Hard! I have wonderful people around me who are always lifting me up! I have also met many many wonderful people throughout my life who have been so encouraging! If I have to pick one though, I would say when one of my English teachers read something I wrote and told me he should have had me read it in-front of the class. He liked it that much! That made me so happy! 

  • Which would you prefer — three wishes over five years or one wish right now? 

Hmmm. I would probably take one wish right now. 

  • If you could have one wish come true what would it be? 

There are so many people who are unhappy and suffering, so I would wish for that to end.

  • Did you ever keep a New Year’s resolution? 

Nope! Most people don’t! 

  • What was the worst present you’ve received? 

None! I have loved all of the presents I’ve received so far!

My Nominees

It is an honor to be given a second chance to pass this award to more amazingly by bloggers! Here are my nominees:

1. Mama Robbins – Mama Robbins Series| An Undistracted Life

2. Sheqo – Sheqoz

3. Addishrivastava – Sensitive Soul

4. Francesca – Frantasmagoria

5. Kirsty – Love Popcorn

6. Roger Peterson – Mind and Love

7. Kimberly Leatherwood – All in with Kimmie L

8. Aniela Codita – Punto Di Stile

9. Jackie Espada- Jackie of All Trades

10. Abbey – Abbey’s Chronicles

11. Maxx Achtman – Gamer Views

My Questions for my Nominees

  1. What your favorite color?
  2. What’s your favorite snack to eat?
  3. Do you like salty treats or do you have more of a sweet tooth?
  4. What’s your favorite music genre?
  5. Do you like taking risks or do you prefer playing it safe?
  6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  7. How do get inspiration for blog posts?
  8. How would improve your blog moving forward?
  9. How did you choose your blog niche?
  10. What’s your favorite tv show?
  11. Can you play an instrument?

The Sunshine Blogger Award: Part 2

I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award again! I feel so blessed and honored! This time the nomination comes from fellow blogger Catherine Mellen! I decided to do a separate post for this one to keep my previous Sunshine Blogger post from being too long. It also gives me a chance to pass the honor on to even more fellow bloggers! Catherine Mellen is a personal blogger. The purpose of her blog, Shatter the Silence/A Life Given to Me, is for her to share traumatic experiences from her childhood. Her message is you don’t have to be ashamed of what you’ve been through, and do not let anyone keep you from telling your truth. Get to know her and read her story here.

About the Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to their peers to honor fellow bloggers who inspire and spread positivity through their blogs. 

Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging site.
  2. List the Sunshine Blogger Award rules and display the logo on your site
  3. Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees about their nominations 

Questions from Catherine Mellen

  1.  How often do you navigate to other Blogs & do you interact? 

I interact very often with other bloggers actually! I also visit many other blogs too! For bloggers, supporting each other is key! Plus, I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them through their blogs!

2) Do your love ones support your Blog? 

I don’t talk all that much about my blog with my friends and family. I’m too shy to! My friends and family don’t read my blog posts or give likes or comments, but but the ones who do know about my blog give lots of encouragement, and listen to me talk about my blog (I bragged a lot about this sunshine blogger award)!

3) Are you embarrassed of your Blog? 

Not at all! The very opposite actually! I’m very proud of my blog! I hesitated when starting my blog, because I wasn’t completely sure how comfortable I would feel sharing some of the things I’ve shared in my posts. That’s the closest I’ve come to embarrassment. However, I’m very glad I went through with starting a blog, and I’m am so happy with the wonderful feedback I’ve been getting so far! The support from the blogging community is beyond amazing!

4) If you had a choice to Blog for life or publish one book for life… Which would you choose? 

Hard! Very hard! I can’t choose! If I really had to choose one though, I would probably pick to blog for life. Can I cheat and write a little about any stories I might write on my blog? I don’t have to publish them! I just want people to know they exist! 

5) Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? 

Winter please! The spring and fall seasons are too erratic! One day it’s too warm, the next day it’s cool. One day it’s sunny, the next day it’s raining. I can’t deal with that! Winter and summer are consistent. Winter is always cold, and summer is always hot. There’s normally no second guessing the weather! I can’t handle the heat though, so winter it is!

6) Wine or Weed?  Can’t be both 

Interesting question! I’ve actually never had any of either! 

7) How many websites do you share your Blog too? 

I actually I have several social media accounts for my blog. However, I’ve been focusing on Pinterest, Facebook and a Twitter.

8) How often do you Blog? 

I don’t have a set blogging schedule yet. I’m still working that. So far I’ve been putting out around two posts per month, but mostly my posting pattern has been a bit erratic. 

9) Favorite Blogging Platform? 

As in my favorite site to for publishing my posts? Since becoming a blogger I’ve heard of several platforms, however, the ones I know best are blogger and WordPress. I started my blogging journey on blogger, but blogger wasn’t working for me. I decided to move to WordPress, and I’m so glad I did! My blogging experience improved instantly after the switch!

10) Do you agree 11 questions are too many? 🤣

😂 Well, it definitely helps give the post some length! 

11) Any summer fun plans? 

Not really! I just plan on relaxing and having fun! I’m not looking forward to the heat though!

My Nominees 

It’s my pleasure to pass this honor on to even more amazing bloggers! Here are my second set of nominees!

  1. La Frieda Smith – MMM of Family Entertainment
  2. Doctor’s Orders – Doctor’s Orders
  3. The Comic Vault – The Comic Vault
  4. Devinder Maan – Fabulous Fifty Five 
  5. Dayma – Women Undefined
  6. Romani Sanchez – Sanchez Proofreading
  7. Camilla – Northern Fairytales 
  8. The Godly Chick Diaries – The Godly Chick Diaries 
  9. Jamie – Chasing the Lions 
  10. K.C. – Live the Frugal Life
  11. Michelle – Garden of Aquarius

My Questions 

  1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food? 
  4. Do you have a secret talent?
  5. Which season (spring, winter, summer, fall) is your favorite?
  6. What song would be your theme or anthem?
  7. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
  8. Do you have a favorite book? 
  9. Do you have a favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a tv show you’re binging on right now?
  11. Is the one thing you love most about blogging?

The Sunshine Blogger Award: Part 1

I’ve been nominated! This time it’s for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I am so honored! I was nominated by fellow bloggers Kimberly Leatherwood and Jess Ling! Thank-you so much ladies! Both Kimberly and Jess are lifestyle bloggers and their blogs cover a variety of topics. The main characteristic of their blogs is that they share what their passions are at the moment and their adventures. They’re enjoying life and taking their readers on a nice ride with them! Their blogs are fun to explore, so definitely check them out! Get to know Kimberly Leatherwood at her blog All in with Kimmie L. Get to know Jess Ling at her blog Jerserry

About the Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to their peers to honor fellow bloggers who inspire and spread positivity through their blogs. 

Rules for the Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blogging site.
  2. List the Sunshine Blogger Award rules and display the logo on your site
  3. Answer the Sunshine Blogger Award questions.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  5. Notify the nominees about their nominations 

Questions from Kimberly Leatherwood

  1. What is the number one thing on your bucket list?

To do a little traveling! I don’t really travel. Not even around my own country (the U.S.), so I might like to travel around the U.S., and I would also like to do a little international traveling.

2. Why did you start blogging?

Blogging was always something I wanted to do. I just never had the time. I started slowing down this year, and decided I wanted to finally start a blog. I’m so glad I did!

3. What is your dream car?

I don’t really have a favorite car model!

4. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why?

Maybe Spain or Costa or Costa Rica. I’ve been trying to learn some Spanish, so I would love to visit one of those countries and stay there for a little while to become a little more fluent.

5. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

It’s between Christmas and Thanksgiving! I’m leaning a little towards more thanksgiving! I love the feeling the Christmas holiday brings. However, thanksgiving is the holiday that’s most special to my family. We are always so busy, so it’s often very hard for us to come together and spend quality time with each other. Thanksgiving is that one special time when we put our busy schedules aside.

6. If you could sit down for one hour with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

This is hard! Wow! If I have to choose though, I would pick James McAvoy. I love him! I would be so nervous that the hour would probably seem so long, but he is so funny so he would probably make all the butterflies go away by making me laugh!

7. What is your motto or favorite quote?

I love “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. It teaches that beauty is subjective, and what one person sees as unattractive might be seen as beautiful to another. That’s the whole idea behind art. If something is deemed as art to someone who sees it, it is art. It is also why every person is beautiful. Beauty can be found in everyone.

8. Are you a dog person, cat person, or something else?

I don’t have any pets, but I honestly love both cats and dogs! If I had to choose though, I would say i’m dog person. 

9. What is the best gift you have ever received

This pretty hard! I’ve received many lovely and thoughtful gifts! If I really have to choose though, I would say a book that my Dad bought for me one Christmas. What was really special was the note he placed inside the book for me. He told me how much he appreciated me and to never change. That meant a lot to me!

10. What is one thing you would like to learn to do?

I would love to be able to speak Spanish fluently!

11. What is one little-know fact about you?

I can play a little piano!

Questions from Jess Ling

  1. How do you spend your free time?

I mostly spend time reading or with my family.

2. What are your top three favorite books and why?

Right now I’m reading Becoming by Michelle Obama. I’m really enjoying it! Another book I loved was Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. Last, but in no way least, the Bible!

3. What are you most afraid of?


4. What is your strongest personal quality?

I’d like to think that I’m a pretty empathetic person and that is my strongest personal quality. I like to let others judge these things for themselves though! 

5. If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?

Very interesting question! I would probably go to the past and witness the creation of the world. I’ll leave the future a mystery!

6. What job do you think you’d be really good at?

A job that involves helping the public such as a social worker or teacher.

7. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?

Hard question! I’m not really sure! There are so many great stories out there, but I would never want to live in any of those universes! I am happy right where I am! 

8. Are you usually early or late?

Definitely an early bird! 

9. What do you wish you knew more about?

Good question! I love learning! There is so much to learn, and even when formal education is over you don’t stop learning. What do I wish I knew more about though? I don’t really know how to answer. There’s so much I want to learn, and no where near enough time!

10. What is your best childhood memory?

Hard! I have many! If I had to pick one though, I would say when I got to be a part of a bridal party at a wedding.  

11. What do you feel most proud of?

Right now I’m very proud of my blog and my accomplishments with it so far. 

My Nominees

I came across many wonderful blogs deserving of this honor, but I can only choose eleven! Here are the eleven blogs I chose! They are all wonderful, so do give them a look!

1. Savannah Nelson – Sunshine with Savannah

2. Dimi – Monkey’s Travel

3. Nadine – Home of Understanding 

4. Kelly – Mindfully Mad

5. Michelle – Blessings by Me

6. Sandra Morgan – Chatting with San

7. Natasha – Grateful Grumbles

8. Lloyd Stevens – My Food and Drink Lifestyle

9. Amanda Romero – Behind a Smart and Girly Mindset

10. Jeanne – My Perpetual Project

11. Myworldmyrules – The World of an Autistic, Dyslexic, with Depression and Spinal Problems 

My Questions 

  1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food? 
  4. Do you have a secret talent?
  5. Which season (spring, winter, summer, fall) is your favorite?
  6. What song would be your theme or anthem?
  7. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
  8. Do you have a favorite book? 
  9. Do you have a favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a tv show you’re binging on right now?
  11. Is the one thing you love most about blogging?
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