Vogue 73 Questions Parody

Taken from Vogue Videos

Hello everyone! I’m sure you’ve all heard of Vogue Magazine and Vogue 73 questions! Just in case though, Vogue Magazine is a world-renowned lifestyle magazine, and Vogue 73 questions is a special interview Vogue Magazine does with celebrities. The interview is usually done at the celebrity’s home, and they are asked 73 rapid fire questions! A blogger parody version has been going around, and I’ve been tagged to do one! The four bloggers who me tagged are Francesca from Frantasmagoria, Sunny Larue from Sunny Larue, Katie from I go by Katie, and Melissa Temple from Disabled Disney! Thankyou so much ladies! Fran’s blog focuses on sharing interesting stories and information about true crimes, the paranormal, and conspiracy theories! A very unique blog to be sure! Sunny’s Blog focuses on sharing her experiences with mental illness, more specifically bipolar disorder. Her posts are very heartfelt! Katie’s blog is a lifestyle blog that covers a variety of topics! One theme of her blog is exploration. Exploration is actually why she started blogging in the first place! Writing is not her strength, but she wanted to delve into to the world of blogging anyway! Last but not least, Melissa’s blog is a travel blog with a twist! It combines her love for travel and all things Disney with sharing her experiences as a person with a disability! Another very unique blog! Checkout all of these wonderful blogs, and get to know the bloggers behind them! And now, without further adu, on to the 73 questions! 

  1. What’s your usual Starbucks order?

I don’t usually order coffee from Starbucks. I often order food. Generally it would be an egg sandwich, or hashbrowns.

2. What does your workstation look like?

I often use my phone to blog, so my workstation is anywhere I’m comfortable! 

3. Favorite food?

Chocolate and anything fruit flavored! 

4. Favorite author?

J.K. Rowling, Eric Carl, Dr. Seuss, and Anne Frank. It’s ok that I name more than one right? 😂

5. What do you think of open relationships?

I think it’s not for me! 

6. What is your favorite video game?

Hmmm. If I had to pick one, I would say Asura’s Wrath

7. Guilty pleasure treat?

 Chocolate for sure! 

8. Favorite movie?

How to Train Your Dragon!

9. Favorite book?

The Bible and the Harry Potter Series! 

10. Twitter or Instagram?

Oh definitely twitter! Instagram is starting become a little fun for me, but twitter is king!

11. Desktop or laptop?

 Neither! My phone! 😂 Phones are pretty much computers now too! The more mobile the better!

12. Best advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve gotten a lot of good advice, so this is hard! One good piece of advice would be from my mother. She’s always told me to never be ashamed of who I am.

13. What project are you working on right now?

This blog post! 

14. Favorite color?

Pink and blue! 

15. Did you get good grades in school?

Yes. I’ve always done pretty well in school. It wasn’t easy though! 

16. Dream job?

Full time blogger would be nice!

17. Play any sports?


18. Do you have a degree?

I do! It wasn’t easy getting it, so I’m very proud! 

19. Nationality?

I’m American! 

20. What is your favorite kind of blog post?

The ones that tell a story!

21. What do you like to collect?


22. Describe yourself in three words?

Cheerful, kind, friendly 😃

23. If you were a rapper what would your stage name be?

Lil’ Charli! 😂

24. Who was the last person you DMed?

Mama Robbins, a fellow blogger! 🥰

25. What’s on top of your wish list right now?

Hmmm. Well, I would like to read the Game of Thrones series…so maybe to get those books. 

26. Sorting house?


27. How many tattoos do you have?


28. What are you most grateful for this year?

I’m grateful for all the new friends I’ve made on my blogging journey!

29. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this month?

A book publishing company reached out to me to help them celebrate their 10th anniversary! I was so honored! My blog is getting noticed, and I’m really excited about its future! 

30. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?

Time with family! 

31. What’s the best thing ever?

Supportive people around you!

32. Favorite season?

Hmmm. Winter! I can’t handle the summer heat, and spring and fall are too erratic for me! 

33. Favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving! It’s a really special time of year for my family! 

34. What fictional character do you relate to most?

Hmmm. I would say Hermoine Granger! I love learning about as much as she does! 

35. Do you like surprises?

I love surprises! 

36. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had?

Hmmm. I’ve had a good few surprises! One was when I first started reading the Harry Potter series. One of my teachers saw me reading the first and second Harry Potter books, and she bought the third and fourth books just so I could read them! She told she will read them too after I finished with them.

37. Which surprise made you cry?

I didn’t cry with my surprise, but I was definitely touched!

38. What’s the best surprise you’ve given somebody else?

I wrote a little something of appreciation for one of my siblings for her birthday. She told me she was very touched, and she tried not to cry when I gave it to her. 

39. Do you like muffins?

Yes, I love muffins, particularly banana bread muffins! 

40. Do you cook often?

Not really, no!

41. What’s your favorite dessert?

 Chocolate flavored treats for sure!

42. Is there a dessert you don’t like?

Any desserts with raisins in them!

43. Cake or pie?

Hmmm. This hard! I think I’ll go with cake! 

44. What’s your least favorite food?


45. What’s your favorite condiment?


46. It’s 4 am on a random Saturday. What are you eating?

Something really light! Maybe cereal!

47. If you could teach a college class what would it be called?

Learn a little something from Charli 101! 

48. Best animated film?

I’m a bit biased! My favorite film is How to Train your Dragon, which is an animated film, so that is the best animated film! I’ve just seen Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse though, and that movie is giving How to Train your Dragon a run for its money!

49. What has a guy done or said to impress you?

Sometime ago a cashier lowered the price of an item I was buying. He didn’t do the same for others buying the same item. I didn’t think anything of it! In fact, I didn’t even notice what he did, and that he was trying to impress me, until after I left the store! 😂

50. Best thing to do on a first date?

Give my date my undivided attention!

51. Worst thing to do on a first date?

Do something embarrassing in front of my date!

52. Whats the funniest pick up line a guy/girl could use?

“Are you tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day!”

“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

53. Best comic book character?

I have to go with the ever relatable Spider-Man!

54. Name 3 things that can always be found in your purse?

Lip gloss, a little piece of paper to write on, a pen.

55. Favorite drink?

Ginger ale!

56. If you could play a historical character in a movie who would it be?

Hmmm. Can I say Michelle Obama? 😂

57. Kittens or puppies?

Oh gosh, both are so cute!! I’ll have to go with puppies though! I’m very much a dog person! 

58. Favorite Sushi roll?

I don’t have one! 

59. What lipstick do you use?

I have a red one and another one that’s pink.

60. What foundation do you use?

I have one, but I hardly use it! 

61. Blow dry or air dry?

Definitely air dry! I want to protect my hair from heat damage! 

62. Who is your fashion icon?


63. Favorite Disney Character?

Moana! I love many Disney characters though, so that was a little hard! 

64. What are you doing tomorrow?

I’m going to work more on my blog!

65. Movie you laughed the hardest through?

Oh there’s a good few of those! One would be Madagascar

66. Movie that made you cry?

There are a couple of these too! One is A Silent Voice

67. If you could sing a duet with anybody who would you choose?

Beyoncé, even though I would just be embarrassing myself singing with her! 😂

68. If your life was a song what would the title be?

“Leaving Behind my Footprints”. I want to make difference in the world, no mater how small the impact might be. 

69. What is your favorite animal?

The dog! That animal is called man’s best friend for a reason! They’re amazingly loyal! 

70. Favorite Illustrator?

Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle. 

71. The person you want to have coffee with?

Anyone who wants to have coffee with me! 

72. What country would you like to visit?

There are many, but one is Costa Rica! 

73. Best way to decompress?

Relaxing with a good book! 

I would like to nominate these lovely bloggers:

Kem – Kem’s Journey 

Odette- I won’t say I’m in love with reading 

Spence – The mindberg 

Scott – Speaking Bipolar 

The Frosted Pineapple – The Frosted Pineapple 

LaFrieda Smith – MMM of Family Entertainment 

Ashli – You me and Benny 

Devinder Maan – Fabulous Fifty Five 

Five bucks til Friday – Five Bucks til Friday 

Holley – Chasing Destino 

Sandra Morgan – Chatting with San 

Beaton – Becoming the Muse 

Have fun! 

Sponsored Post: Happy Anniversary Odyssey Books!

Odyssey Books

“Where Books are an Adventure”.

Odyssey Books

Hello everyone! I am not a book blogger, however, I do enjoy reading books. Reading is one of my favorite ways to get some relaxation, as well as some excitement! Ever since I was a small child, I have been an avid reader. I enjoyed getting lost in the pages of a great book for hours on end, and still do. For this reason, I am honored to be collaborating with Odyssey Books to help them celebrate their Anniversary. Odyssey Books is a New Zealand based book publishing company that was created in 2009 by founder Michelle Lovi. This month, Odyssey Books turns 10! As a blogger, I can understand a little bit of the excitement around the success of a growing business, because running a blog is like running a business! You can read more about Odyssey Books publishing company here

To celebrate this occasion, Odyssey Books has a collection of books that are on sale right now! For the month of July, these books will only cost $0.99! These books can be bought electronically through Apple iBooks, the Amazon Kindle reader, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Google Books, among other electronic book stores. Odyssey generally publishes fiction books, and they seem quite interesting. Here is a description from the company’s website on one their books entitled A Perfect Square by author Isobel Blackthorn:

Odyssey Books

“Across two continents, two sets of mothers and daughters are bound by a dark mystery.

On a winter’s day in the Dandenongs, Victoria, pianist Ginny returns home to stay with her eccentric mother and artist, Harriet. Consumed by disturbing dreams, speculations and remembering, she tries to prise from her mother the truth concerning her father’s disappearance and why, when she was seven, Harriet abducted her. In an effort to distract her daughter’s interrogations, Harriet proposes they collaborate on an exhibition of paintings and songs. 

Meanwhile, on the edge of Dartmoor, Judith paints landscapes of the Australian Outback to soothe her troubled mind. Her wayward daughter, Madeleine, has returned home and she’s filled the house with darkness. Her father doesn’t want to know her. Judith wishes he did. When at last she forces the two to meet she breathes a sigh of relief.

Back in Australia, Ginny is poised to fly to England in search of the truth when she receives some earth-shattering news.

A novel brimming with mystery, intrigue, creativity, art and the occult.”

You can take look at other books that are on sale on the Odyssey Book publishing company’s website here

The company’s motto is “Where Books are an Adventure”. It is true that good books really can be wonderfully fun and adventurous! If you enjoy reading as well, consider taking advantage of Odyssey Books publishing company’s sale! Happy 10th anniversary to Odyssey Books! I wish you continued success! 

Guest Post: “My Hair Journey: How I Fell In Love With My Hair”

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to be collaborating with Faiza Zafar from The iExpress Blog! We are collaborating by writing a guest post for each other’s blog, and my post went live on Faiza’s blog only moments ago! One little piece of information about me that I’ve never mentioned on my blog is that I’m a Black American. Black women have a unique and complicated relationship with our hair. My guest post is about my relationship with my hair. The real focus of this post, however, is a celebration of diversity. The world would be quite a dull place if we all looked the same, wouldn’t you agree? The post is titled “My Hair Journey: How I Fell In Love With My Hair”. Click here to read the post! While you’re visiting Faiza’s blog, take a look at other posts on her wonderful blog too! Her blog gives excellent tips and information on various topics. These topics include, but are not limited to, parenting, business, blogging, travel, and fashion. She also shares her thoughts and information on different social issues. Be sure to check out The iExpress Blog! Thankyou so much for visiting my blog, and for your support! Until next time!

With love,


Relaxation and Summer Vibes

Photo by chopstix00 from free images.com

My Dad and I started watching a new show while we ate breakfast yesterday. The show is called Hanna, and it’s an Amazon original. The show takes place in Europe, and it’s about an extraordinary girl named Hanna who is being chased by the CIA. Throughout the show, she tries to figure out why the government wants her, and the truth about who she is. It is definitely an interesting show, and it reminded me of the Netflix original Stranger Things, and a little of the Bourne movie series. 

My Dad and I got hooked on the show, and by the time we looked around, we had spent hours watching several episodes. My Dad felt horrible about the amount of time we “wasted”. He doesn’t usually binge on shows. He believes it’s not healthy, and that there are more constructive activities one could be doing with his or her time. After each episode we watched, my Dad kept saying “This is the last one”. I laughed as the next episode came on. Despite his worry about wasting time, my Dad and I definitely enjoyed ourselves as we laughed at some scenes of the show, and jumped and held our breath at others. My Dad said he usually doesn’t get time to enjoy himself like that. He’s always working very hard. Now that summer has rolled around again though, he can relax a little. 

Summer officially began on June 21. My Dad was so excited, and talked with me about the plans he had for the family. He was definitely ready for a break! Our relaxation and tv time on Sunday was just the beginning of our Summer fun. When my Dad told me about his concerns on wasting time while we watched Hanna, I told him that it’s not bad to slow down every once in a while. Besides, he deserved it. To be honest though, I also felt a like I was wasting time a little. My talk with my Dad made me think about my blog, and I felt bad spending time way from working on it. I work hard on my blog just about every day. Writing posts is only one part of the journey. A blogger also has to work on promotion and networking, website customization, etc. Needless to say, it’s not easy work (you know what I’m talking about fellow bloggers)! My blog isn’t the only activity that gets this kind of attention from me. I’m this way with just about every task and job I am given. I think I inherited that trait from my Dad! My siblings are always reminding him that it’s ok to take a break from time to time, and they tend to do the same with me! They are right. There’s nothing wrong with dropping everything once in a while to rejuvenate yourself, and I was reminded of this while watching Hanna with my Dad. I told him my thoughts, and he agreed. We were definitely happy for the break! 

I don’t have specific plans for the summer, only that I plan on enjoying myself and time with my loved ones! I also definitely plan on getting some relaxation time in too! I hope all of you enjoy your summer as well, and remember to get some rest and relaxation too! 

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