Challenge 8: An Unforgettable Day

 A little girl woke up one morning with excitement bubbling in her chest. Today was a very special day. She was so excited she had a hard time sleeping the night before, and made sure she was up early in the morning. 

The small girl’s mother woke up early too to help her prepare for the day, and they started with getting her into her new lily white dress. The girl felt like an angel in it.

 Next, they moved on to the girl’s hair. The mother put her daughter’s hair in rollers the night before, and when she took the rollers out in the morning, beautiful curls fell around the daughter’s shoulders. The girl loved her curls, and couldn’t help wanting to put her fingers through them. Mom put hairspray over the curls to hold them, and told the daughter that if she wanted her hair to stay pretty for the entire day, she had to stop touching her hair! This was the first time the little girl remembered ever getting this dolled up, and when she looked into the mirror, she saw nothing but beauty.

After putting on white lace gloves to match her white dress, the small girl was ready to head through the door. When she reached her church, the girl happily threw rose petals when it was her turn to walk down the aisle. She looked on in awe as she watched the special lady of the day finally take her turn walking down the aisle, and watched tears of joy fall down down many faces as the lady and her new husband kissed. On her way to the reception party, the girl felt like a princess during her ride in the limo, and enjoyed drinking out of fancy glass cups at the reception dinner. 

The day was beautiful, and the girl had lots of fun. When she reached back home, the exhausted girl quickly went to sleep, eager for the day she would get to wear a white dress again and walk down an aisle.  

Until next time,


My Biggest Pet Peeve

Hello everyone! Remember my 52 week challenge posts? I sure hope you do, because I’m back with another one! I was on a pretty long hiatus, so I pretty much failed this challenge, but I still want to continue it! These posts are so much fun to write! This week’s challenge post is number 9, my biggest pet peeve! I thought a bit hard about this actually, because this topic required a bit of introspection. After giving this post some thought, I realized what might be one of my biggest pet peeves. 

According to American author Gary Chapman, there are five love languages. In other words, there are five different ways we give and receive love: acts of service (doing tasks for others), gift-giving, physical touch, quality time (giving some of your time to loved ones), and words of affirmation (hearing uplifting words). Every person generally uses all five love languages to express his or her love, and we enjoy receiving love through all five as well. However, there are usually some love languages that or more preferred than others, and it differs from person to person. We don’t really do a lot touching in my family, so I would say physical touch is pretty low on the list for us. We hug each other from time to time, but we don’t do much of any other types of casual touching (like putting our arms around each other’s shoulders for example). 

Since we don’t touch each other much, I’m not very used to being touched. Also, I’m used to a lot personal space, so whenever I’m talking with someone there’s usually a large amount of distance between us. My father knows this, and sometimes taps my shoulder knowing that will annoy me! This leads me to one of my biggest pet peeves (finally right?): taps on the shoulder!

Do you have a pet peeve? Share it in the comments! Also, if you would like to know your love language, take the Love Language quiz (My love language is Words of Affirmation)! The link is below! Have fun, and see you in the next post! 

Five Love Languages Quiz:

Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald

Drunk History Episode “Legends” Season 4 Episode 2 by Comedy Central

How many of you have heard of Marilyn Monroe? How many of you have heard of Ella Fitzgerald? How many of you knew that these two legends were close friends? I first learned this fact through an episode of the show Drunk History. I found this little gem recently. It aired in 2016, so I’m late seeing it, but I thought the episode was pretty funny. I also thought there was a wonderful lesson that could be learned from it: sometimes we have more in common than we think.  

Checkout Drunk history video above, if you haven’t seen it already, to learn more about the friendship of two legends.

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