Joining Forces with World Supermoms: Embrace the Superhero in you

I am so excited to announce that I am collaborating with World Supermoms! With so many expectations on women and mothers, it can be difficult to be a woman! However, there is no such thing as the ideal woman or mother. World Supermoms is a nonprofit organization that uses their platform to help each mother and woman in general embrace what makes her special and unique. Recently, Supermoms reached out to me to republish one of my blog posts! That blog post is Imperfectly Perfect: My life with Turner Syndrome. This is perfect timing, since February happens to be Turner Syndrome Awareness Month! I am very proud of that post, and I am so honored that World Moms enjoyed it enough to republish it! If you haven’t taken a look at that post yet, visit World Supermoms to give it a look! Click here to read the post! Thank for this opportunity World Supermoms, and thankyou to my readers for visiting! Until next time! 

– Charli

The Dark Poet: A Review

Odyssey Books

Hello everyone! As you may already know, a New Zealand based book publishing company called Odyssey Books reached out to me recently to help them celebrate their 10 year anniversary! It was such an honor! Learn more about Odyssey Books here. The publishing book company celebrated by putting a collection of books on sale for the month of July (welcome to the first day of August)! If you check their website now you might even be able to catch the end of the sale! In return for writing a blog post for the company about their anniversary sale, I was given one of their new releases of my choosing free of charge! In this post, I will be writing a review of the book I was given. Now the company did not ask for this review, and I am probably a little late with it, but I decided I wanted to do a review anyway. I am not a book blogger, so this post is a little different from my usual posts, but I thought it might be fun to share my thoughts on the book Odyssey Books gave me. This is also my way of thanking the company for collaborating with me. Without any further ado, let’s dive in to the book review!

The book I was given from Odyssey Books publishing company was The Dark Poet by Kathryn Gossow. Here is the description of the book from Odyssey Books’ website:

“Some people are so broken they can only cut us. With poetic dexterity, Aurealis Award finalist Kathryn Gossow interweaves eight short stories of longing and alienation featuring outcasts and the misunderstood. From a homeless storyteller to a gardening soothsayer, to a copy editor who owns a pair of stubborn chickens, readers will come face to face with the humanity of people easily judged by a rigid society. At the heart of these stories is the Dark Poet, a charismatic and broken man leaving a trail of debris as he drifts in and out of people’s lives.”

What I found most interesting about The Dark Poet is its focus on interconnectivity. As stated in the description, The Dark Poet is a collection of interconnected short stories, and in each story there is a common denominator: a character known as the “Dark Poet”. Each story is like a piece of a puzzle, creating a full picture of the “Dark Poet”. In fact, the title of one of the short stories in the book is “The Puzzle Ring”. The author did such a wonderful job weaving all of these independent stories together, creating a beautiful cohesive flow.

Each story in The Dark Poet is also like a piece of a chain. Whatever happens to one part of a chain affects the rest of the chain, and this is the way the events of each of the short stories are connected. There is an age old question that asks “If a tree fell in a forest and no one was there to hear it, does it make a sound?”, and this book seems to answer it. Some of the actions of the characters, particularly the “Dark Poet”, cause a chain of events to occur. All of the characters are affected, some more than others. 

The Dark Poet reminded me that we all make an impact on someone else. Just like in the book, anything we do causes a chain of events to happen. Whether we choose to spread positivity or negativity is entirely up to us. All in all, I found The Dark Poet an intriguing book, and would definitely recommend it. 

Sponsored Post: Happy Anniversary Odyssey Books!

Odyssey Books

“Where Books are an Adventure”.

Odyssey Books

Hello everyone! I am not a book blogger, however, I do enjoy reading books. Reading is one of my favorite ways to get some relaxation, as well as some excitement! Ever since I was a small child, I have been an avid reader. I enjoyed getting lost in the pages of a great book for hours on end, and still do. For this reason, I am honored to be collaborating with Odyssey Books to help them celebrate their Anniversary. Odyssey Books is a New Zealand based book publishing company that was created in 2009 by founder Michelle Lovi. This month, Odyssey Books turns 10! As a blogger, I can understand a little bit of the excitement around the success of a growing business, because running a blog is like running a business! You can read more about Odyssey Books publishing company here

To celebrate this occasion, Odyssey Books has a collection of books that are on sale right now! For the month of July, these books will only cost $0.99! These books can be bought electronically through Apple iBooks, the Amazon Kindle reader, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Google Books, among other electronic book stores. Odyssey generally publishes fiction books, and they seem quite interesting. Here is a description from the company’s website on one their books entitled A Perfect Square by author Isobel Blackthorn:

Odyssey Books

“Across two continents, two sets of mothers and daughters are bound by a dark mystery.

On a winter’s day in the Dandenongs, Victoria, pianist Ginny returns home to stay with her eccentric mother and artist, Harriet. Consumed by disturbing dreams, speculations and remembering, she tries to prise from her mother the truth concerning her father’s disappearance and why, when she was seven, Harriet abducted her. In an effort to distract her daughter’s interrogations, Harriet proposes they collaborate on an exhibition of paintings and songs. 

Meanwhile, on the edge of Dartmoor, Judith paints landscapes of the Australian Outback to soothe her troubled mind. Her wayward daughter, Madeleine, has returned home and she’s filled the house with darkness. Her father doesn’t want to know her. Judith wishes he did. When at last she forces the two to meet she breathes a sigh of relief.

Back in Australia, Ginny is poised to fly to England in search of the truth when she receives some earth-shattering news.

A novel brimming with mystery, intrigue, creativity, art and the occult.”

You can take look at other books that are on sale on the Odyssey Book publishing company’s website here

The company’s motto is “Where Books are an Adventure”. It is true that good books really can be wonderfully fun and adventurous! If you enjoy reading as well, consider taking advantage of Odyssey Books publishing company’s sale! Happy 10th anniversary to Odyssey Books! I wish you continued success! 

Collaboration Post: Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I am so excited to be collaborating with Nadine from Home of Understanding! We both started blogging just this year, and our blogs cover very similar topics. She’s incredibly creative and full of ideas! Her blog is amazing and you should definitely read her other posts! Give her a visit here. Nadine offered the idea of collaborating after we visited each other’s blogs, and I jumped on the opportunity! She told me she’s been thinking of writing about body image issues for a while, and mentioned the idea of writing about what often goes through a person’s mind as he or she looks at him/herself through a mirror. We both agreed it’s an amazing idea, and started working on the project right away! For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with developing a positive self image. There have been many times when I’ve looked in the mirror and saw so many things I would like to change. For this collaboration, we are exploring the voice of self loathing, or “the devil”, that we often hear in our heads when judging ourselves, and the “angel”, whose uplifting voice is often ignored. Our goal through this project is to help our readers realize that you are perfect the way you are. Don’t listen to your inner ”devil” thoughts. Focus on the voice of the “angel”, and embrace your unique beauty. 

The voice of the “Devil”:

There are so many flaws to point out. When are you going to lose all that weight? Maybe you can skip a meal today. Look at all those blemishes on your face. You shouldn’t go outside without makeup. Your chest and rear end are so small. Maybe you should consider implants. Your nose is a funny shape. You should consider getting that fixed too. You also need to work on getting in control of the pimples on your thighs and the hair on your arms. Plus, it would be nice if you could do something about that curved back of yours. That’s not attractive. Beauty is important to a woman, and can get her far. Don’t hesitate to do what’s needed for you to be considered beautiful. 

Can you relate to those words? Do you find yourself saying similar comments about your appearance whenever you look into the mirror? Visit Nadine’s Post,  Body Image – A Dialogue to read what the “angel” has to say.

Five Facts about Body Image Issues and Mental Health

– The term for when someone obsesses over perceived flaws in his or her appearance is called Body Dysmorphia. It is considered an official psychological disorder. Bjornsson, Andri S, et al.

– Body Dysmorphia was called dysmorphophobia when it was first documented. The name was changed to Body Dysmorphia in 1987, the same year it was recognized as an official  psychological condition. 17 Scarey Body Dysmorphic Disorder Statistics

– Before television was introduced in the country of Fiji in the 1990s there were no documented cases of eating disorders. Sixty five teenage girls were followed for three years for a study during the introduction of television in the country. Around twelve percent of the girls developed eating disorder symptoms 1 month into the study, and around 29% developed symptoms after 3 years. The Body Project: Facilitator Fact Sheet

– In the United States, around 2.5% in males, and in 2.2 % of females, have BDD. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

– In the United States, January is Mental Wellness Month, May is Mental Health Month, and the first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week. World Mental Health Day is October 10. Who We Are.


“17 Scarey Body Dysmorphic Disorder Statistics.” HRF, 4 Sept. 2014,

Bjornsson, Andri S, et al. “Body Dysmorphic Disorder.” Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Les Laboratoires Servier, June 2010,

“Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).” Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA,

“The Body Project: Facilitator Fact Sheet.” Http://,

“Who We Are.” Minding Your Mind,

My Father, My Superhero

When Avengers: End Game was released a relative of mine went to a theater right away to watch it. After seeing it, he couldn’t help bragging about seeing the movie before me. Avengers: End Game marks the end of a phase for the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Many of the super heroes we’ve enjoyed watching will not be returning to the big screen, or at least not anytime soon. Watching the these characters be brought to life by talented actors and actresses has been amazing, however, there is one person in my life who is my superhero. 

If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you might have noticed that I mention my father quite often. We have a very close relationship. Yes, I am very much I daddy’s girl. My father was still quite young when he had me, and was still trying build himself up. However, my father still managed to give me one of the most important things a parent can ever give his or her child: time. Many nights my Dad stayed up late trying to calm me after a nightmare despite how busy he was. I have many wonderful memories of my Dad and I enjoying each other’s company while watching a movie, or spending time at a park. Any events I can’t remember were captured in pictures. My father never failed to be around and have a camera ready during special or spontaneous moments. Anytime I felt was in any type of trouble (feeling sick while at school or being bullied) I was able to reach him anytime, and just like a superhero he was by my side in a flash. My father never failed to make me feel safe and loved. I wanted to be just like him when I reached adulthood myself, and be the type of parent to any future children I might have that he was to me. I don’t know how my father managed, and that’s why he was, and still is, my superhero. Here’s what others have to say about their fathers/superheroes:

Dayma Garcia – Motivational, Lifestyle, and Mental Health Blogger at Women Undefined

My dad has been more there for me when it has really counted, whenever I have been in any rut he’s the one that has gotten me out, I don’t have many memories of my childhood with him but when it mattered, he was there, I love him & wouldn’t change anything

Raheela James –  Business and Lifestyle Blogger at Mommy’s Business 101

When I was 15 we escaped the Gulf War. My Dad brought 30 people out of Kuwait by his courage and his smarts. Every other man there was scared and lost and no idea what to do and looked to my Dad for guidance. I don’t think we would have made it out without him and God’s help.

Gina – Lifestyle and Travel Blogger at CultureBean

“He knows how to make me laugh. That’s the remedy to so many things. We have the same sense of humor and can talk for days. Then there’s general life hacks like fixing my flat and (the biggie) my car e.t.c.” 😂

Sandra Morgan – Personal Blogger at Chatting with San

“Oh I wish my dad and my grand daddy where still alive.  I was surely a daddy baby!”  🥰🥰🥰

Lisa Mitchell – Lifestyle and Book Review Blogger at Fluxing Well

“My dad is a superhero because, despite the pain he is in from multiple joint replacements, he’s always positive and encouraging to others.”🌻

Stephanie – Lifestyle and Mental Health Blogger at A Red Hair Girl

“My dad always seems to be able to fix everything. Mr. Fixit, we call/called him. He also has a great sense of humor and it’s fun to spend time with him!”  

Millie – Lifestyle and Book Review Blogger at MSB Life 

“My Dad is a superhero to me because prompted me to think differently about things but also the stories he would make up for us and the jokes – those are things you never forget” 🙂

Melissa Temple – Travel and Disability Blogger at Disabled Disney

“My dad wasn’t my hero per se! But I have pretty severe depression and anxiety and he was the only person who could calm me down. He passed away in 2007. I miss him so much!”

Emma – Lifestyle and Disability Blogger at Dyspraxic Domesticated Mummy

“I never really knew my Dad growing up. In fact Fathers Day is tough one for me. My first son died and his funeral was the day after Father’s Day. My husband carried our son’s coffin. My husband is superman. He is the strongest man I know carrying his sons coffin” x

Eunice Tossy – Lifestyle and Christian Blogger at A Bible Girl

“Mine died when I was 3.. 21 years ago”

Steve Biggs – Travel Blogger at Biggsy Travels 

“How about my dad Roger Biggs who’s run 911 marathons!!! And was the first Brit to run a marathon in every single US state 👍 NB.”

Abbey – Lifestyle and Mental Health Blogger at Abbey’s Chronicles 

“He is the reason and motivation behind everything I do..  He has given me everything I could ever wish for and the love, care and trust is incomparable”

Grace – Travel Blogger at Traveling the World of the Olympics

“Absolutely was my hero! One of my recent posts is about what I inherited from him, ‘Having a Athlete for a Father, Was I Destined to Work in the Olympic Movement?

Liz – Lifestyle Blogger and Influencer at Mummy Overload

“My step was my super hero…. He was always there when I needed him and called me his little Chelsea girl. We did everything together. Holidays where the best with him and he was so funny. Used to do all these little silly things. He was also the best grandad ever. He passed away 6 years ago but will always be my superhero”

Chocoviv – Lifestyle Blogger at Gogo Bags

“Inspired me to use the tool box to build stuff!”

Munashe Chakaonda – Personal Blogger at In Her Thoughts

“Although I don’t much about him because he passed on when I was really young. The idea of him is home, it gives me comfort and security. He is still my super hero because I know no matter how I turned out he would have been proud of me.”

Mama Robbins – Lifestyle Blogger at Mama Robbins Series | An Undistracted Life

“He always wanted me to help him build things. No matter what it was. Wheelbarrow, bbq, shed, or shelves. He always let me help.” 🙂

Elissa Renee – Personal Blogger and Art Blogger at By Love Elissa

“Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Sydney Telling – Web Communications Officer and Influencer


“I have an incredible Step Dad who’s been in my life since I was 2, I’m quite lucky”. 😃

Nicola – Blogger and Writer at A Rambling Collective

“You don’t need to lose any weight, you look lovely…you’ll feel better about it tomorrow, and I don’t know why I bother, so come and give your old dad a kiss.”

Excerpt from “I Love My Dad

Ashley – Lifestyle Blogger at The Irish Twin’s Mama

“My dad worked really hard to provide for my twin sister and I as a single parent. He tried to make every event but sometimes work made him miss it. When I think back though he did the best he could to provide everything and more for us. He is now doing the same for his grandchildren.”

Thankyou for all of your touching contributions about your fathers! I and my contributors hope everyone reading this post enjoys father’s day! If you are a father, whether you’re a biological father, step father, adoptive father, god father, foster father, or a father figure, Happy Father’s Day from all of us!

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