Guest Post: A Letter of Self Love and Strength

Last time, Arlene and I talked about self love. You can view our first collaboration post here. This time around, the focus is on trying to move on mistakes or traumas. We decided to write letters to ourselves, and post the letters on each other’s blogs. Below, you will find Arlene’s letter to herself: 

Dear Angie,

Your life has been about overcoming challenges, breaking through barriers, and moving 

forward. Ironically, I know you’ve never asked for much, yet the love and support you’ve longed for seem out of reach. I want you

 to realize how proud I am of your resilience and how far you’ve come. I can’t think of anyone else who has faced the trials you have and decided to rise above them. You’ve had the perfect excuse to give up if you wanted to.

I understand how exhausting and draining it can be a

t times. Seeing how much of a journey still lies ahead can be disheartening. It’s like swirling the entire ocean, only to find that the shore is still 

far away.

Now that you have the incredible tools and knowledge you wish you had from the beginning, it brings up an inevitable question: If you know what you have left to do, why don’t you do it?


expressed it more eloquently in his response:”Sooner or later, you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

We both know you know better, so What’s holding you back from moving on, dear?

I know you’ve been trying to take care of your mom for as long as you can remember.

 Despite your efforts to detach, surrender, accept, honor, and support her, it seems there’s still a small yet big step to take.

Acceptance and 

resistance both have many layers. You might think you’ve moved past something until it catches you off guard.

Spending each day by your mother’s side causes you sorrow and drains your energy. It’s challenging to accept that there’s nothing more you can do for her

, and both of you need to move on. With numerous changes and challenges, you need to continue with your life, while she needs to follow the natural course of life as well. The days seem long and unbearable for her.

Facing the inevitable, especially knowing she wants to move out of your home

, feels like you’re pulling a trigger in a way. It’s like a one-way ticket.

The thought of a care facility is burdensome and unpleasant to you. Ironically, your mother would be better cared for there than at home, and it would also give you a break from the 

the constant stress of dealing with nurses, medicines, and everything else.

Maybe deep down, you know it’s not just 

about her; it’s about your whole life 

changing. The uncertainty of what’s to come is 

both exhilarating and terrifying. Perhaps you’re using the situation with your mom as a shield, almost a symbol.

She is the last link you have with your known life of origin. Everything else seems to be spiraling. It’s a positive spiral, yes, but a dizzying one. Your whole life is new.

I understand you may feel alone in the world

.I encourage you to continue your spiritual journey, filling the void, and moving on with love and purpose.

Keep moving forward, Angie.

About Arlene

Arlene is a blogger, Systemic & Family Constellation Practitioner, Energy Healer, and Trauma Specialization student. You can click here to visit her blog. You can also visit Arlene on social media and say hello!



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Thankyou for reading!

Author: Charli Dee

Welcome to my site! I started this site to help inspire people with my experiences. I hope that I accomplish my goal for this site even a little!

27 thoughts on “Guest Post: A Letter of Self Love and Strength”

    1. That’s so true! It really does help with looking at your own skills through the eyes of as an observer, so you can practice self love with this and become inspired and motivated for sure! However, it can also be a way to look at your limitations and work on them!


    1. Thankyou so much! I’m glad you enjoyed this post! I’m so thankful to the writer, Arlene, for allowing me to share her story! Yes, she expressed her feelings about not being able to do what she should do so wonderfully. Sometimes life can make some decisions about what path to take really difficult.


    1. Thankyou for reading and commenting! Yes, you really should give it a try! It really helps with looking at yourself from an observers view, like your your own good friend, and we are always willing to encourage our friends. This gives you a chance to encourage and inspire yourself!


    1. Awww! Thankyou so much Linda! My hope is those who visit my blog are able to take something away whether it be lessons, inspiration, or motivation. I also like to write experiences that others can relate to. Thankyou for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much! Arlene would, the writer of this post, would be happy with your comment! Not only did we enjoy collaborating on it, we felt the letter allowed us to feel and express deep unresolved feelings and emotions.


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