Why is Healthcare so Expensive: Part Two

Picture taken from Pixabay

I recently watched a video by a popular YouTuber named Lauren who runs the channel Living well with Schizophrenia. On her channel, she talks about her experience living with Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder. In on particular video, Lauren talks about the cost of health care. She lives in Canada where the government is heavily involved in helping with healthcare, so she doesn’t pay a heavy amount for her medical care. However, she shared what she would be paying without help. I liked the idea, and thought I’d also give a little idea of how much my healthcare would cost me without help. You can see this video below:

As I’ve mentioned many times on my blog, I have medical condition called Turner Syndrome. I take several medications for the condition. I did a little digging, and without help, I could be spending a total of $83.00 a month for my medication. 

Turner syndrome causes a lot of complications. The condition is when a woman is born with only one fully functioning X chromosome instead of the usual two. Due to this fact, the woman’s body can not create estrogen on its own. Estrogen helps to strengthen a woman’s bones. This is why some older women with low estrogen suffer from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a common problem in Turner syndrome patients. Other complications include heart, kidney, and thyroid problems, among others. Because of all of the complications, many procedures are regularly done in order to ensure the Turner Syndrome patient remains in good health. These priced urges can include an MRI, sonogram, blood tests, and a bone density scan, among others. All together, my procedures can cost around $1,500 every time they’re done.

I have also been pretty open on my blog about my struggles with mental illness. It is no secret that mental health services can be expensive. In my case, therapy sessions without help would cost me around $2,800 each week. That’s around 14,000 a month for therapy sessions! The medication I take for my mental illness can cost around $233.00 a month.

As you can see, healthcare is pretty expensive. I didn’t even include all of my doctor visits, including the my primary care provider and specialist visits. I also did not include transportation cost. I would definitely not be able to afford the medical care I get with the good insurance I have. 

Author: Charli Dee

Welcome to my site! I started this site to help inspire people with my experiences. I hope that I accomplish my goal for this site even a little!

21 thoughts on “Why is Healthcare so Expensive: Part Two”

  1. Omg that is really sad to hear, in Malaysia for my dad the medical expenses are already huge, but government hospitals are cheap, but government hospitals are not good. I think money is important but health as well. I hope everyone can living better and be healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much Jess! It’s very sad that government funded places are not good. And that’s where people who can’t afford services usually go. It’s really not fair the way people with little money are treated. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, proper care, even people who are poor, even the homeless. Thankyou again for commenting Jess!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I live in the US and it is despicable how expensive health care is here; something I have struggled with. It’s a multi-layered issue too as health insurance is more often than not tied to a job, so if you lose a job (which happens regularly as the US is at-will employment) or start a new one you have to wait for the new coverage to begin (sometimes up to 90 days). It’s a broken system. The costs you would face without help are unconscionable — it’s terrible to think some people may forgo their medicine because of costs they can’t avoid. Thanks for sharing a light on this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much for reading Molly!! I really appreciate it son much! You’re right. It’s very sad the way healthcare is, and very sad some people are forced to go without proper care. I don’t even want to think about the state I would be in if I didn’t have help, as my health depends on the treatment I’m getting. Healthcare is definitely a big business with some people milking money off of the poor and suffering, which really needs to stop. I believe good healthcare and education are a right and healthy well educated people keep societies running. Thankyou again so much for very thoughtful comment!


    1. You are completely right! It definitely has become big business, and I believe many people in the profession don’t care about the people they’re supposed to be helping, just the money. It’s so sad really. Thankyou so much for reading!


  3. I saw the post that Rae shared so came to check out more. And I realized after that i
    also read the children with disabilities one you shared as well. But, here for more. 🙂

    I am in Canada as well, like the person you mentioned in this post. Without help (personal health benefits) the generic version of the med I am now on would be almost $700 per month. When I was on the brand name it would have been over $2500. I pay $118 for health benefit coverage a month. That is enough, but saves me from owing too much later. I can’t imagine people who have no help of any kind. It’s crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thankyou so much for visiting again! I really appreciate it! What really stood out to me from your comment is the $2500! Woah that’s a lot of money! I’m so glad you don’t actually have to pay that! It definitely is crazy! This is why I need to work on some habits I have because when you get sick it really costs you! My Dad always says prevention is better than a cure! Prevention keeps you from getting sick and having to spend all that money on medication in the first place! Thankyou again for visiting!


  4. There’s absolute free Healthcare in South Africa. You can receive counseling, contraceptives, go through pregnancy treatment and give birth for absolutely free in South Africa. It’s one of the positive things I like about my country.

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