Anne with an E and Father’s Day

My father recently introduced me to Netflix’s Anne with an E. It’s a show inspired by novel series Anne of Green Gables by Canadian author Lucy Maud “L.M.” Montgomery. For those who are unfamiliar with Anne of Green Gables or Anne with an E, it is a story that follows  the life of a very bright and curious red haired young girl named Anne. The story begins with her meeting an elderly brother and sister named Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert.

My Dad loves Anne with an E. We watched it together several times recently. He just adores Anne and finds her so endearing. I love Anne too. There is no way you can watch the show and not fall for her charm. When the Cuthberts met Anne, they immediately loved her, especially Matthew. She changed their lives for the better. Matthew is shy and reserved, and is a man of few words. Meeting Anne helps him to come out of his shell a little. For her, he would do anything. It got to the point where Marilla often teased that Matthew spoiled Anne.

Matthew did not expect this change in his life. It reminds me of me of how my father wasn’t expecting his life to take the turn it did. My father was still in school, and expecting to continue school, when he met and fell in love with my mother. They got married and started a family. My father vowed when he had a his first child that he would do anything to make sure he was the best father he could be. Over the years, his children wanted for nothing. He was the ultimate provider. It was a struggle to provide everything his children needed and wanted, but his children never felt the struggle. Their father simply made being a parent look effortless. To my father, life was hard, but to his children, life was perfect. 

I really enjoyed spending time watching Anne with an E with my Dad. It was lots of fun. As I mentioned before, Dad really loved Anne. I loved Matthew and his relationship with Anne. He showered her with love in his own special, quiet way, and Anne appreciated him for it, just like I appreciate my Dad for the sacrifices he made for me. I wish my father a very happy Father’s Day. He deserves my appreciation and so much more.

Author: Charli Dee

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36 thoughts on “Anne with an E and Father’s Day”

    1. Awww! Yes, it really is nice to have these shared happy moments! I’m usually working on my blog and promoting it, so I’m always in my phone, but I try to make sure I put my phone aside and spend time with my family as much as possible. My bond with my family is very important to me!

      You gave me a shoutout? Thankyou so much! That’s me happy ! I really appreciate it! I’m definitely going to checkout that post!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What a lovely tribute to your father. I hope he had a wonderful day!

    I loved “Anne with an E,” and I loved the 1985 miniseries, too. When I was a child, the books were some of my favorites.

    I’m so glad I read your post today. It brought back lots of fond memories for me, too. 🌺🩷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow! Your comment made me so happy! My Dad had a wonderful Father’s Day! We spent time together watching a new show! My Dad has seen the 1985 mini series too and he really enjoyed it! He kept comparing the mini series to Anne with an E! lol. He said he likes both, but there are clear differences! I’m really considering reading the books! My only criticism of Anne with an E is that it didn’t continue! I know the books continue in to Anne’s adulthood, so I’m really thinking about getting the books! Thankyou for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. We really enjoy watching shows and movies together as a family! It’s our favorite way of bonding for sure! You really should watch the show! It’s beautifully heartwarming!


    1. Thankyou so much! I’ll be sure to pass on your best wishes! You definitely should checkout Anne with an E! It wonderful! If you do, let me know what you think!


    1. Thankyou! I my Dad and I love bonding over watching movies and shows together and I thought it would be nice to talk about that for Father’s Day! Anne with an E is definitely a beautiful story and you should definitely give it a try! I’m sure you’ll love it!


    1. Aww! Thankyou! My Dad really treasures quality time, so whenever we can we like bonding over shows and movies!You definitely should look it up and give it a try! I’m sure you’ll love it!


    1. Thankyou! Father’s day was definitely fun! I enjoy spending time with my Dad! You shoukd definitely watch yhe show! I think you might love it! Im definitely going to check out the books!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou! Yes, it is a good series! You would definitely enjoy it if you decided to watch it! And yes, enjoy every moment with your father. Sometimes I forget that my Dad is not going to be around forever. He’s so capable. But everytime his birthday passes and he gets older I’m reminded that he’s not here forever. Im blessed to have the father I do, and I’m just enjoying every moment I can with him.


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