A Thankyou to a Wonderful Teacher

I’ve talked a lot about dealing with mental illness on here. I’ve been dealing with mental illness since early childhood. I was a very happy and talkative child. I can’t fully remember when that started to change, but I do know that I got bullied a lot in school. I’ve always been small for my age, so I stood out like a sore thumb. 

This did not change when I reached to high school. When I was in primary school and secondary school I had the same classmates. I had different classmates when I went to high school, but the bullying still continued. My self esteem took a deep dive due to the bullying and only made my depression worsen. By my senior year, my depression took a tool on me and I stayed home from school a lot. I just didn’t like being in school. Then I saw my grades. The moment I took a look at them I went in to a bathroom and started crying. I was failing. If I didn’t shape up, I was in jeopardy of having to repeat my senior year. I started going back to school regularly. 

Fortunately, I had very understanding teachers.  One teacher in particularly was very helpful. I talked with her about my situation and that I was dealing with a lot. She decided to give me an open book test and to help boost my grade. She gave me a 75 for her class. I was grateful, but I don’t think I showed enough gratitude at the time. Looking back, I don’t remember even saying Thankyou. If I had a chance to see her again, I would give her the gratitude I didn’t at the time. I would tell her Thankyou. Thankyou for giving me a chance to explain myself. Thankyou for being understanding. Thanks to you, I graduated on time. 

Author: Charli Dee

Welcome to my site! I started this site to help inspire people with my experiences. I hope that I accomplish my goal for this site even a little!

25 thoughts on “A Thankyou to a Wonderful Teacher”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear you experienced been bullied at school, it’s definitely something that affects your life. Talking about it and finding support is essential and I’m happy to see that nowadays it’s taken more seriously, I can see it with my daughter. Some teachers are truly angels, great that you found yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much for sharing! You’re right! Some teachers really are angels! Teaching is a very special job. They are like second parents to their students and some of them really take the role as a second parent to heart. They go above and beyond for their students and it’s very much appreciated. Yes, bullying does really affect your life and that’s why it’s important for teachers to really keep a look out for signs of bullying. A child can not learn in an unsafe environment. Parents should also be very involved in their children’s school life. From what you told me about your daughter it seems you are very involved and keeping a careful eye watch on your daughter. Thankyou so much for taking the time to read and comment!

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  2. I’m so sorry that you were bullied in school lovely, I was too and it’s extremely difficult to navigate your way in school when that’s happening. I’m glad you had a wonderful teacher to help you through. I wish my high school teachers were able to help back then, but they didn’t! x

    Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk

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    1. Oh wow! I’m so sorry your teachers didn’t look out for you! That’s part of a teacher’s job, because children can not learn in an unsafe environment. Teachers are like second parents to their students, so they are meant to do more then make sure children are learning the materials. They are supposed to care for the children’s physical and emotional needs as well.


  3. Aw, I love seeing stories like this. It really goes to show you how much one person can make such a difference.. Thank you so much for sharing your story 🙂 Great post..


    1. Thankyou so much for reading and commenting! Yes, it’s true. One person and one kind gesture can make such a huge difference. I only hope I’ve been able to pass on the kindness my teacher showed me to others.


  4. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt tribute! It’s wonderful to see such appreciation for teachers who make a difference. Your words beautifully capture the impact that a dedicated educator can have on their students’ lives. Truly inspiring

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww! Wow! Thankyou so much for such a kind comment! I felt so happy seeing it! Yes, she really was dedicated and truly cared. In the United States, I really don’t think teachers get enough appreciation. They are often overworked with more students in a class than they can handle and don’t get enough pay. Many teachers are quick to quite the job and go into another career because of how hard and demanding the job is. They deserve more appreciation. Thankyou for reading and commenting!


  5. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish more could be done about bullying in schools. I was bullied and wasn’t very popular in high school, which makes me appreciate the current discussions around mental health. I’m glad you had a teacher who recognized what was happening. I empathize with today’s students and hope that more teachers can become attuned to and address bullying effectively.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Thankyou for sharing. I’m sorry you were bullied too. Kids can definitely be cruel to each other. Bullying definitely helped lead to my depression. I’m also glad we are being more open about mental illness. In fact, reading other people’s stories is what led me to opening up about my own mental health journey. At first I didn’t want to talk about it, because I was ashamed. Everyone was supposed to know me as the happy child. However, I started to realize that pretending I was ok was only making my depression worse and I decided to reach out for help.

      I also believe that more teachers should pay better attention to their students and look out for bullying. It is not just a teachers job to make sure the student is learning the material. It is also a teachers job to look after the emotional needs of his or her student.

      Thankyou for reading and commenting.


  6. Thank you for sharing your story, I’m sorry that you experienced bullying, but it’s so wonderful that you had a teacher who cared and helped you. I’m sure she knew you were grateful at the time, and she will have been pleased for your success.

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  7. I love how raw and real you write. And how you are willing to share your personal stories. It’s amazing you found help when you most needed it and that you didn’t quit on yourself. I have a teen who struggles with mental health and school has always been an issue for her too. You give me hope!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow! Your comment really made me happy! You have no idea! Thankyou so much! When I first started blogging, I was very nervous about sharing my stories. I didn’t know how people would react to them. That almost stopped me from starting a blog, but I’m glad I didn’t let my fear hold me back. Comments like this make my day and show me that I made the right decision!


  8. I have fond memories of one teacher growing up. They were a rare example of a teacher who was nice to me. Our birthdays were even one day apart. But for the life of me I can’t remember their name, or any of my teachers names, except one. The only teacher I remember the name of was the teacher that made my already terrible school life, far worse. They took every opportunity to physically beat my eight year old ass. I hate that teacher so much, and annoying they’re the only teacher I can remember the name of, making them impossible to forget. I’m glad you had a better experience than me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow! Thankyou so much for sharing! In the United States we don’t allow teachers to hit students. At least not anymore. Beatings are pretty controversial here. We even discourage parents from beating their kids. I know in some countries it’s perfectly ok for teachers to hit a child. I’m not against beatings, but they can turn into abuse if you’re not careful, and I think that’s what happened with you. I’m so sorry you went through that traumatic experience. It’s often those that we tend to remember the most isn’t it? Which is definitely so frustrating, but understandable. It’s hard to get past traumatic events. I wish it were easy, then conditions like depression and post traumatic stress disorder wouldn’t be a problem. Thankyou so much for taking the time to read and comment.


  9. Wow, what an amazing teacher! Reading about her just warms my heart. It’s so clear that she has a big heart and truly cares about you. Being a good listener and supporting you to achieve your goals – that’s what makes her such a special educator. People like her make such a difference in the lives of those they touch.

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    1. She really was special! I can only hope that I can do the same for someone else and help them with whatever hey are going through. We definitely need more educators and people in general like her. So far since I’ve started blogging everyone I’ve met has been wonderful. It reminds me that there are kind good people like my teacher out there. Thankyou for reading and commenting!


  10. Thank you for sharing Charli. I’m so sorry you had to go through that and I’m sure the teacher knows how grateful you are for them!


    1. Awww! Thankyou! Yes, it wasn’t easy going through the bullying. I’m just happy I had a teacher who was paying attention. She was really wonderful, and I really do hope she knows that! Thankyou for reading and commenting!

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